Unused rooms: We reserve the right to reassign unused rooms or lockers. We'll notify you by email prior to reassignment.
Expiration date: Be sure to remove all belongings before your expiration date. We'll email you a reminder. Items left in the room will be removed and the door code changed to accommodate other students and faculty.
Valuables: Do not store valuables in rooms/lockers. The Libraries and University assume no responsibility for lost or stolen materials.
Library materials: All library materials stored in your room or locker must be checked out to you. You may not keep non-circulating or "Library Use Only" materials. We may check rooms and lockers periodically – if we find library materials that aren't checked out, you may lose your privileges.
Windows: Door windows cannot be covered. We must be able to visually check each room when the library closes. Rooms and lockers are only available for use during open hours.
Key codes: Assignments are confidential. We will not direct others to your room. Keypad codes should not be shared. Contact us Monday-Friday 8am-4pm with questions about your code. Library staff at Ask Us desks do not have access to this information.
Code of conduct: All users must follow the library code of conduct and comply with all active pandemic practices guided by the most updated UA campus directives.