On this page
- Find, cite, and manage sources
- Plan, organize, and fund your project
- Find materials, software, and technology
- Workshops and drop-ins
- Get help from a librarian
Find, cite, and manage sources
Write a literature review
Plan and write a literature review, which is a summary of published work about your research topic.
Use citation management tools
Manage your citations with tools like Zotero, EndNote, and Mendeley. Store and organize sources for your project.
Learn with tutorials
Improve your research skills with helpful videos and activities.
Get help from a librarian
Meet with a librarian in your major or program to find sources for your project. We're here to answer any question!
Plan, organize, and fund your project
Plan a systematic or scoping review
Consult with us on your systematic or scoping review. Get help with improving your search strategy and finding databases for your research.
Plan and publish a digital project
Learn how to plan a digital project and explore platforms like Omeka to host your work.
Learn about data management planning
Make a plan to manage your data and use data mangement tools like DMPTool.
Meet grant or funder requirements
Understand requirements from federal agencies, grants, and more to help you organize and plan your research.
Understand copyright and fair use
Get help navigating copyright laws and policies to protect your intellectual property rights.
Find project funding
Find funding from the library and other groups on campus.
Find materials, software, and technology
- Find articles and books from your discipline in our research databases
- Find journals for your research
- Get materials from other libraries or ask us to purchase materials you need
- Use software at the library
- Borrow technology, including WiFi hotspots, recording equipment, and more
Upcoming events
Find more events
Get help from a librarian
Please reach out to us any time! You're not alone in your project, and we'd be happy to hear from you so we can best support your research. Not sure who to contact? Contact a librarian in your major or discipline.