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Course materials
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Films & videos
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Ebooks, audiobooks, & magazines: Libby by Overdrive
Find popular audiobooks, ebooks and magazines for recreational reading. The current checkout limits are 3 ebooks and 3 audiobooks at one time. Sign in with your UA NetID. Learn more about using Libby with our Introduction to Libby guide.
- Browzine The bookshelf-style app BrowZine allows you to browse, read, share, and save hundreds of our licensed and open access e-journals directly to your smartphone or tablet, and now on your desktop.
- Flipster Browse and read magazines, including: National Geographic, The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Essence, Time, and Fortune.
- Libby by Overdrive Choose from over 5,000 magazines, including magazines in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese and more. No limit on magazines, log in with your UA NetID.
News sources
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Pros & cons of contemporary issues
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Research databases
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Articles, theses, and journals
Articles & journals
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Campus repository
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Theses & dissertations
Find theses and dissertations from our databases or the UA Campus Repository.
Find an image in our recommended collections, and learn best practices for using images.
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Maps and geospatial
Aerial photographs
Access physical aerial photographs of Arizona from Special Collections or find digital aerial photographs online.
GIS & geospatial data
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Data, reports, and statistics
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Technical reports
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Government documents
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University of Arizona resources
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Historical research and microforms
To learn more about historical research, see our subject guides for history.
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Genealogical resources
Find records of family history, birth and death, adoptions, and immigration.
Historical newspapers
Find newspapers from early Arizona, United States, and other countries.
Find microforms, also called microfiche or microfilm, which are film strips with images of scanned documents.
Primary sources
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Rare materials in Special Collections
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Research reference
Book reviews
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Dictionaries & encyclopedias
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