
You can find biographies from the list of databases for biographies.

Recommended databases for biographies

Biography in Context
Find biographies of current and historic people throughout history. Searchable by name, occupation, nationality, place of birth, and place of death.

Encyclopedia of World Biography
Explore biographies of notable individuals from every part of the world and from all time periods who have made significant contributions to human culture.

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography provides signed biographies of 50,000 men and women who have shaped all aspects of British history from the earliest times up to the present. It is searchable by name, full text, references, contributors, images, and may also be browsed alphabetically by name, or by themes.

Biography databases for specific subjects

Many subject-specific databases also include biographical information. Some good ones include:

Grove Art Online
Find articles on every aspect of the visual arts - painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts and photography - from prehistory to the present day. Note: Limited to 5 simultaneous users.

Grove Music Online
Grove Music Online (formerly the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, and the New Grove Dictionary of Opera) is the worlds premier online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship. Note: Limited to 11 simultaneous users.

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