Overdue and lost materials

Staff member on the phone near an Ask Us sign

About late fees

Did you receive a charge for an overdue or lost library item? Don't panic! We can work with you to resolve most billing or fee issues at any Ask Us desk or call us at (520) 621-6442.

You can't borrow items if your late fees reach $24 or if you have items that are overdue. Once you pay your balance or return the items, you can check things out again.

Pay your fees


To pay your fees online, sign in to your library account and select "Pay Fees."

Bursar's account

We transfer library charges to your Bursar's account weekly, so they will no longer show on your library account. Once this happens, you can pay through UAccess Student or call the Bursar's office at (520) 621-3232.

Late, lost, or damaged items

We charge fees for late items to ensure continued access to library materials. You can usually eliminate or reduce late fees by returning the item. We may not be able to eliminate fees on technology items since they are in high demand.

We auto-renew many items (see renewals), but we charge the total replacement cost if items are past due beyond the grace period. We assess a $25 fee for late tech items, which is non-refundable for items which have transferred to your Bursar's account.

If you lost or damaged something, contact us as soon possible and we can explain your options.

Type of materialBilled when past dueTotal replacement cost
Books, journals, maps, government documents22 days$115
Laptops and other equipment3 daysUp to $5100
Equipment accessories3 days$165
Interlibrary loan items10 days$140

Contact us

If you have any questions or problems with your library account, come talk to us at any Ask Us desk or call (520) 621-6442.

You can also contact library billing staff to request a credit for returned items or ask us to review your account.