Millions of resources are free for students and instructors to use in UA courses. If you'd like help finding free-to-use materials for your course, please contact Course Content Initiatives Manager Cheryl Schrader-Gerken or Open Education Librarian Cheryl Casey.
Whether on or off campus, sign in to your library account to see the most complete set of results.
On this page
- Books
- Library-licensed ebooks
- Articles and book chapters
- Streaming video
- Open educational resources (OER)
- Other course materials
- Copyright and fair use
Learn how to how to find books using library search.
Library-licensed ebooks
If you're an instructor, see how to use ebooks in your course. Use our check for ebook availability form to see if an unlimited license is available for the title you need.
Our course ebooks finding tool provides a centralized location for all Libraries' unlimited-licensed ebooks used in courses. Students and instructors can search by title, course, instructor, and term.
Please note that we do not recommend using limited-licensed ebooks for your courses due to limited user access. Learn more about limited-licensed ebooks.
Articles and book chapters
Learn how to find articles assigned in your courses using library search.
If you're an instructor, you can also request an article or book chapter. We'll email you articles and book chapters as PDFs free of charge so you can upload them to course sites. Learn more about our document delivery services.
Under fair use guidelines, we can generally provide one to two chapters of a book.
Streaming video
Learn how to find streaming video using library search. Not all Kanopy films have been added to library search, so you’ll need to search the Kanopy Streaming Video database directly.
The library provides dozens of film databases for course use. You can also host film screenings on campus.
Each semester you plan to use videos in a course, you'll need to submit a streaming video request. Streaming videos often can't be purchased outright and must be licensed annually by the library, so we need to know if it will continue to be used in courses before extending the license. Learn more about streaming video for course use and how to show video clips in your class.
Open educational resources (OER)
These materials range from single lessons to full textbooks are free for anyone in the world to use, customize, share, and keep.
Instructors also can create their own OER using the UA pressbooks platform. A growing number of U of A faculty are using open pedagogy to involve students in the creation of OER. Humans R Social Media, by iSchool Associate Professor Diana Daly and her students, is a great example of this.
Other course materials
- Primary sources
- Images
- Music
- New York Times (available to all UA students, faculty, and staff)
- Magazines:
- Flipster (New Yorker, Time, Atlantic Monthly, and more)
- Libby by Overdrive (Over 5,000 magazines, including foreign languages. No limit, sign in with your UA NetID)
- Browzine (Browse journals by title, subject, or ISSN)
Copyright and fair use
- Copyright at a glance
- Copyright guidelines for instructors
- Copyright implications: Shifting your course online
- Tutorial: Fair use and copyright in instruction
For more information about copyright and fair use, contact Copyright Librarian Ellen Dubinsky.