
Check out a Culture Pass from the Main Library to get free admission for 2 people at participating arts and cultural sites. University of Arizona students, employees, and official retirees just need their CatCard to check out a pass.
Not affiliated with the university? Community members can find Culture Passes through the Pima County Public Library.
Check out a Culture Pass
To check out a Culture Pass:
- Visit the Culture Pass kiosk on the 2nd floor lobby of the Main Library
- Select a card for the site you'd like to visit from the kiosk
- Bring the card to library staff at the Ask Us desk. We will add the pass to your library account and give you a receipt for you to show when you visit the arts or cultural site you selected.
Before you come in to pick up a pass, search for which culture passes are available.
About the Culture Pass
- Valid for 7 days
- Passes are first come, first served. They can’t be reserved or placed on hold for pick up.
- Available to University of Arizona affiliates with a valid CatCard. Community members with a University of Arizona library card are not eligible to borrow a Culture Pass.
- Available only at the Main Library
- Not valid for most special events and exhibits at participating sites
- Not renewable
Where you can use a Culture Pass
Here are the participating arts and cultural sites:
- Amerind Museum (Dragoon)
- The Arboretum at Flagstaff
- Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
- Cave Creek Museum (Cave Creek)
- Children’s Museum Tucson
- Desert Botanical Garden (Phoenix)
- Heard Museum (Phoenix)
- Museum of Contemporary Art Tucson
- Reid Park Zoo
- S'edav Va'aki Museum (Phoenix)
- Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
- Sedona Heritage Museum
- Superstition Mountain Museum (Apache Junction)
- Tohono Chul
- Tucson Botanical Gardens
- Tucson Desert Art Museum
- Tucson Museum of Art
- University of Arizona Museum of Art