Culture Passes

Act One Culture Pass logo

Check out a Culture Pass from the Main Library to get free admission for 2 people at participating arts and cultural sites. University of Arizona students, employees, and official retirees just need their CatCard to check out a pass.

Not affiliated with the university? Community members can find Culture Passes through the Pima County Public Library.

Check out a Culture Pass

To check out a Culture Pass:

  1. Visit the Culture Pass kiosk on the 2nd floor lobby of the Main Library
  2. Select a card for the site you'd like to visit from the kiosk
  3. Bring the card to library staff at the Ask Us desk. We will add the pass to your library account and give you a receipt for you to show when you visit the arts or cultural site you selected.

Before you come in to pick up a pass, search for which culture passes are available.

About the Culture Pass

  • Valid for 7 days
  • Passes are first come, first served. They can’t be reserved or placed on hold for pick up.
  • Available to University of Arizona affiliates with a valid CatCard. Community members with a University of Arizona library card are not eligible to borrow a Culture Pass.
  • Available only at the Main Library
  • Not valid for most special events and exhibits at participating sites
  • Not renewable

Where you can use a Culture Pass

Here are the participating arts and cultural sites: