Family study room

room with wall mural, tables, chairs, and a multi-color rug

About this space

Located on the 4th floor of the Weaver Library, the family study room provides a family-friendly study space for UA student parents/guardians and their children. We also welcome UA post-docs, staff, and faculty accompanied by children. The room has study space and some kid's furniture. 

Room occupancy is limited to 8 occupants. 

Who can use this space

University of Arizona students
University of Arizona faculty & staff
Learn more about who can access library services & spaces.


One family, up to 8

Located at

Albert B. Weaver Science-Engineering Library

How to access

First come, first served when the library is open.

Swipe your CatCard for access.

See Weaver Library 4th floor map.

Also see family study room policies.