Print and scan at the Health Sciences Library

In Tucson, we offer self-service, fee-based printing, copying, and scanning services that are available to everyone.

Self-service printing and scanning

Print from your laptop or one of our computers using CATPRINTS printing (WEPA) on the 2nd floor near the information desk.

Find several self-service scanners in our computer lab.

Printing and scanning services

For scanning projects, large-volume printing, document assembly, and finishing services (binding, folding, etc.), visit BioCommunications' Copy Technology Services on the 3rd floor of the Arizona Health Sciences Center in Room 3404. You can also place your order online (Health Sciences affiliates only).

3D printing

Create objects from digital models with our 3D printing service. Cost is $0.10 per gram of filament used. While we no longer print locally, you can select the Health Sciences Library as your pickup location.