
Special Collections encourages using our collections in your research, teaching, and scholarship. You can request duplications, or digital copies, of materials to use from our collections.

About our services

  • We offer duplication services in-house and through vendors. All services cost fees.
  • Some materials can’t be duplicated because of their fragility, size, format, or donor requirements.
  • We can only provide digital copies or files of our materials.
  • We don’t provide customization work, such as cropping, retouching, or digital restoration.
  • You can also use a personal digital camera or our scanner to copy unrestricted materials at Special Collections for individual study or research.

Contact us with questions about our duplication services and fees.


We only accept online credit card payments.

For international payments, you can submit a wire transfer. There’s a $20 fee to initiate the wire transfer payment in addition to the cost of your duplication. 

Table caption: Fees for duplication services.
Service Fee(s) What else you should know
High resolution scan of text materials (.pdf only) $0.25 per page plus a $3 setup fee* For requests over $100, we will provide an estimate for you to review before we confirm your request.

*For large orders, there may be multiple setup fees for each folder of materials.

Photographs (.jpeg or .tiff only) $10 per photograph For requests over $100, we will provide an estimate for you to review before we confirm your request.
Digitize audio or video materials in-house (VHS, U-matic, Hi-8, DVCAM, 1/4 inch audio tape, and audio cassettes only) $20 per item 10-week turnaround time. You can request up to 8 items.

Not all audio and video materials can be digitized due to their fragile condition and are available to use in the reading room only.

Digitize audio or video materials through a vendor (motion picture film, lacquer discs, shellac discs, vinyl records, and other grooved analog discs only) Determined by vendor Turnaround time depends on the vendor.

Not all audio and video materials can be digitized due to their fragile condition and are available to use in the reading room only.

File transfer of audio or video materials that are already digitized $10 per file The duplications you are requesting may already be digitized. In that case, we can transfer a digital file to you.
Scan of oversized materials (anything larger than 24 in by 7 in) Determined by vendor Vendor: After we review and approve your request, we outsource scans of oversized materials to Reproductions Inc.

Payment & delivery: Reproductions, Inc sets the fees, manages payment, and coordinates delivery of your duplication. Contact them for details on your order.

Rush orders Additional $20 fee If you have less than a 2-week turnaround, we charge a $20 fee for rush orders in addition to the duplication fee(s).

Publish our materials

To publish our materials, you must request a duplication and submit the permission to publish form.

Request a duplication

Requests take average of 15-20 days to complete depending on the size and type of material. There is a 10-week turnaround time for digitizing audio or video materials.

You’ll receive a digital copy of your requested materials.

Contact information
Include the collection and item name, manuscript number (MS or AZ), box and folder numbers, and a brief description for each item you're requesting.
Format of the duplication

If you’re requesting multiple items, select all the formats you need.

Dots per inch (DPI)
For text-based materials or photographs only. Select all the resolution(s) you need.
Confirm how you will use the material(s)