Instruction rooms at the Health Sciences Library

About our instruction rooms

Our Tucson location has two instruction spaces, HSL 2102 and 2102A. Each room is equipped with a computer station, projectors, and whiteboards. Instructors can bring their own laptop or use the desktop on the instructor station. You can request student laptops during the reservation process. COM-IT will assist with set up and troubleshooting in these rooms if needed.

Instructors teaching credit-bearing courses are welcome to reserve an instruction room free of charge.

Reserve an instruction room


Please provide a KFS account during the reservation process, or your request will not be approved.

Rate for Health Sciences* instructors at the Tucson campus        0-4 hours Full day
Room 2102 - 24 person classroom $60 $120
Room 2102A - 12 person classroom $40 $80
*In UA departments affiliated with the University of Arizona Health Sciences colleges
Rate for other UA instructors* at the Tucson campus 0-4 hours Full day
Room 2102 - 24 person classroom $140 $280
Room 2102A - 12 person classroom $100 $200
*In UA departments not affiliated with the University of Arizona Health Sciences colleges

All reservations are charged a 10.5% administrative fee in addition to the room rate to cover general administrative services.

Cancel your reservation up to 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged.

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