AccessMedicine and other Access databases


Contains over 130 medical textbooks including the latest editions of gold-standard texts such as: Harrison's Principles of Internal MedicineFitzpatrick's DermatologyGoodman & Gillman's The Pharmacological Basis of TherapeuticsHurst's the HeartSchwartz's Principles of Surgery, and Sherris Medical Microbiology, to name just a few. Also includes many quick reference tools and practice guidelines.


Covers the entire span of pediatric practice, from neonatology through adolescent medicine. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive online pediatric resource provides instant access to information essential for completing evaluation, diagnosis, and case management decisions, as well as for pursuing research or self-assessment and board review -- all in one place. Contains the latest editions of 39 class textbooks in Pediatrics including Rudolph's Pediatrics.


Designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements. Contains 80 textbooks including DiPiro's Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, and Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics and a comprehensive multimedia collection.


Contains physical therapy textbooks (including the F.A. Davis PT Collection), NPTE Review Prep, a PT lecture series, procedure and exercise videos, image galleries, cases, self-assessment tools, and a cadaver dissection tool optimized for viewing on any device. Create a personal MyAccess account for access to customized features, including Custom Curriculum, My Saved Images, and mobile view.


Surgical videos, animations, textbooks, atlases, anatomy books, board review ,and clerkship resources. Sign up for MyAccess to save images for personal and educational use. Contains over 30 classic textbooks including Schwartz's Principles of Surgery and Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations, as well as instructional videos and an extensive image library.

Case Files Collection (McGraw-Hill Medical)

Interactive clinical cases from basic science, clinical medicine, and post-graduate level cases, all of which are based on McGraw-Hill's 23 Case Files® series books. Feature personalized functionality to allow users to monitor their progress through completed and unseen cases. Intended for students and residents, as well as for faculty wishing to include clinical cases in their curricula.