We can pull items and put them on the hold shelf for you. You can pick up your items at the Main, Weaver Science-Engineering, and Health Sciences Libraries, or at the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library.
Not sure if you can place items on hold? Learn what you can access at the library.
How do I request items?
- Use library search to find the item you want.
- Be sure you are signed in (see upper right-hand corner of screen).
- Select the Request link in the Find It section of the item record.
It looks like this:

Who can request items?
UA students, faculty, staff. Non-UA affiliates with a current UA library card.
Your account must be in good standing (no overdue materials or outstanding fees).
What items can I request?
Most materials found on our shelves: books, bound journals, and media items (DVDs, CDs).
If you just want an article or book chapter, get it faster with document delivery.
How many items can I request?
There's no limit, but we reserve the right to process no more than ten items per person per day when there is heavy demand.
How long does it take?
One to 3 days depending on demand.
How will I know when my book is ready?
You'll receive an email saying your items are ready for pickup.
When in doubt, go to your library account and look at the "Requests" section to see if your item is ready.
Where do I pick up my item(s)?
You can request to pick up your items at the Main, Weaver, Health Sciences Libraries, or at the Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library.
You can request books from the UA catalog through document delivery and we will ship them to the address in your ILLiad account.
How long will items stay on the hold shelf?
Ten days. If not picked up, we'll return the item to the regular shelves or transfer it to the next person who has it on hold.
Why did I receive an email saying that my hold was canceled?
We'll send you a cancellation notice if we can't find the item.
If we can't find an item where it's supposed to be on the shelf, we first cancel the hold and mark the item as missing. We then do a more thorough search for the book, and if found we'll reactivate your hold. While we're trying to track down the item, you can request it through interlibrary loan.