Code of conduct

The University of Arizona Library is committed to providing a safe learning environment free of threats, harm, or sexual misconduct. In addition to federal and state laws, as well as campus, and ABOR policies, including supporting inclusiveness and equity and diversity, this Code of Conduct is in place to provide guidance on acceptable behavior for all library users.

This list is not comprehensive, and we reserve the right to address perceived negative conduct as necessary.

Violation of any portion of this code, or of any laws or policies, shall subject the offending party to liability for loss or damage, summary suspension or permanent deprivation of the facilities and privileges of the library, or other such disciplinary action. 

The University of Arizona Libraries are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.

This code of conduct applies to the following in the University Libraries system:

·         Main Library/Information Commons

·         Special Collections (note: additional policies and restrictions for the Special Collections reading room apply)

·         Albert B. Weaver Science-Engineering Library/Information Commons

·         Health Sciences Library


Library users are subject to all applicable laws, as well as Arizona Board of Regents and University of Arizona codes, procedures, processes, and other ordinances, including, but not limited to, the following:

Article I. Behavior

Section 1.01    Disruptive behavior
Section 1.02    Food and drink
Section 1.03    Quiet spaces
Section 1.04    Sexually explicit materials/images
Section 1.05    Smoking
Section 1.06    Threatening behavior
Section 1.07    Unattended belongings
Section 1.08    Videotaping
Section 1.09    Weapons

Article II. Access

Section 2.01    Age
Section 2.02    Animals
Section 2.03    Bicycles and non-pedestrian devices
Section 2.04    Trespassing

Article III. Identification usage

Section 3.01    Failure to present ID
Section 3.02   Sharing ID

Article I. Behavior

Section 1.01 Disruptive behavior

Section 1.02 Food and drink

Leave no trace. The libraries have adapted the following Leave No Trace principles of outdoor ethics to its food and drink policy:

  • Plan ahead and prepare: When possible, plan to eat your meals before you come to the library. If you do carry in snacks or drinks, try to avoid messy foods that may damage library material and facilities, and bring drinks in appropriate containers.
  • Dispose of waste properly: Make sure to place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans.
  • Leave what you find: Leave library resources, furnishings, and equipment as you found them--or in better condition than you found them.
  • Be considerate of other visitors: Respect the next library user and the next generation of library users.

Section 1.03 Quiet spaces

The following areas are designated quiet study areas: Main Library 4th and 5th Floors; Science-Engineering Library 1st and 4th Floors; Health Sciences Library 3rd Floor.

In these areas, you should:

  • limit conversation
  • speak quietly
  • set cell phones & pagers to vibrate
  • use cell phones only in elevator lobbies

Signs are posted on each quiet floor. If a customer or group isn't following this rule you may point it out to them. If you are not comfortable doing so, please report it to a library staff person. Be sure to give a specific location and descriptive information about the noisy party. While other areas in the Libraries may not be designated as quiet spaces, customers should still be respectful of others who are trying to use the facility.

Section 1.04 Public display of explicit sexual materials on library computers

Section 1.05 Smoking

Section 1.06 Threatening behavior

Section 1.07 Unattended belongings

Users are solely responsible for their belongings and personal items shall not be left unattended.  Found items may be sent to Campus Lost & FoundUAPD, or the CatCard Office.

Section 1.08 Videotaping without permission

For information and permission, contact Kenya Johnson, Director, Marketing Communications & Events at (520)621-3617 or

Section 1.09 Weapons

Article II. Access

Section 2.01 Age

Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult.

If a room reservation request is for a university event, activity, or program that involves non-enrolled minors, please be sure to contact the Office of Youth Protection ( to determine if you need to register with them.

Section 2.02 Animals

Section 2.03 Bicycles and non-pedestrian devices

Do not park your bicycle in a restricted area, including University buildings.

The University of Arizona prohibits electric scooters (except mobility scooters). Electric scooters may not be operated on campus nor brought into campus buildings.

Non-pedestrian devices (except prohibited electric scooters) may be ridden on sidewalks, bike paths, and in any area not restricted by signs or regulations. They may not be ridden in the building. Non-pedestrian devices include motorized or non-motorized equipment designed to propel or transport people using human power, electricity, or fuel. Examples of non-pedestrian devices include:

  • Roller and inline skates
  • Scooters (electric and non-electric, owned by either an individual or shared-use mobility company)
  • Segway® personal transporters
  • Skateboards
  • Hoverboards (i.e., any self-balancing one or two-wheeled board)

Section 2.04 Trespassing

Article III. Identification Usage

Misuse of any card or account is not allowed.

Section 3.01 Failure to present ID

Section 3.02 Sharing ID