Check for ebook availability

Instructors, if you are adding new materials to your course, interested in a specific title, or in the process of building a course, use this form to see if we can purchase an unlimited ebook license.  If an unlimited license isn’t available from publishers (which is unfortunately often the case), the library can help you explore free/low-cost alternatives.  

See our Course Ebooks finding tool for a list of courses using our ebooks and the adopted titles. Learn more about free-to-use course materials. Questions? Contact Course Content Initiatives Manager Cheryl Gerken, Open Education Librarian Cheryl Casey, or your librarian.

(e.g., GWS 342 or ECE 411/511)
(e.g., 002, 102)
(e.g., Fall 2021, 7W2 Spring 2021)
Textbook information