What is Special Collections?
We are an archive that collects rare and unique documents, books, photographs, audio and video recordings, and other primary sources. Everyone is welcome to visit us. Whether you’re looking at a single rare book, investigating your family history, or browsing our collections for a course assignment, we're here to support you as a researcher.
Most of our collections are available to access in person only. Our materials are one-of-a-kind and require special care, so they can't be checked out or taken home. We also have digital collections and exhibits you can access online.
Explore Special Collections

Get help with your research
Ask us a research question or request copies of our materials to use in your research.

Course instruction
How instructors can bring their students to Special Collections or partner with us on assignments.

Contact us
We're open to everyone. You don't need an appointment to visit, but be sure to check our hours as we sometimes close for special events.
- Address: 1510 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721
- Phone: (520) 621-6423
- Email: LBRY-askspcoll@arizona.edu
- Ask us a research question
- Staff directory
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