Theses and dissertations

Theses & dissertations online

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Find doctoral dissertations and master's theses from universities and institutions all around the world. 

Open Access Theses and Dissertations
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Find UA theses & dissertations

Use the UA Theses & Dissertations Repository, to locate UA dissertations and masters theses submitted to the library from 1895-present. You can search or browse by author, title, discipline (program) or date.

Honors College theses from 2008-present are available in the UA Campus Repository. Paper copies from 1960s-2005 are located in Special Collections.

Several UA departments maintain their own archives of masters theses and masters reports that were not submitted to the library. Check with individual departments.

The Arizona State Museum (ASM) Library collection includes master's theses from the American Indian Studies and Anthropology programs that are not available at the UA Libraries. Search the ASM online catalog to find theses in their non-circulating research collection and visit the ASM Library and Archives for more information on location and hours.

Not finding what you are looking for?

UA faculty, staff, and students can request dissertations and theses from other institutions through interlibrary loan. If you're a non-UA affiliate, you may be able to borrow UA theses and dissertations through your local library's interlibrary loan system.

Dissertations from the UA and many other U.S. and Canadian universities can be purchased online through ProQuest UMI Dissertation Express.

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