Publish your research

There are many ways to share your research with the world. We can help guide you through your options.

Open access publishing

Open access is a publishing model that enables the free online availability of journal articles and scholarship, permitting any user to read and use these works. Open access fuels innovation through knowledge transfer by reducing barriers to reading discovery, and sharing. Share your research broadly through open access publishing and learn more about the library's open access initiatives that support and promote the widest possible dissemination of your scholarship. Contact Ellen Dubinsky to learn more.

Most federal funding agencies now require data and publications resulting from federal grants be made publicly accessible. See federal agency policies for public access for publication and data access policies of top federal funding agencies of research at the University of Arizona. See funding agencies requirements for information on publication and data access policies for all 19 federal funding agencies.

Online publishing

Looking to start a new online journal, or move your journal online? We can help with journal publishing. We publish and host several open access journals produced by the campus community. To learn more or to get started, contact Ellen Dubinsky.

We also support the production of open educational resources so that your research can be freely accessible in classrooms worldwide. Contact Cheryl (Cuillier) Casey to get started.

Digital scholarship

Digital scholarship is an interdisciplinary endeavor, one that embraces novel means of discovery and analysis. It encompasses methods of research and inquiry that use digital media and technologies in some way, or uses them to ask new scholarly questions. This includes works that are born digital, as in digital text and images, music, art, and data sets. Digital scholarship is relevant to all disciplines and is often interdisciplinary in nature. Data visualization, GIS, textual analysis, data management, research computing, digital humanities and digital publishing are all ways that support digital scholarship for campus.

Contact Megan Senseney to get started.


Ready to share your research with the world? The UA Campus Repository provides open access to publications, presentations, and other scholarly materials from the UA community. Complementing the Campus Repository, the UA Research Data Repository (ReDATA) provides data and code archiving and curation services in support of sharing mandates from funders and publishers.

Learn how to deposit content in the Campus Repository or contact Kimberly Chapman. To learn more about ReDATA, visit the ReDATA help page or contact the ReDATA team.


Wondering about your intellectual property rights? Or do you have questions about Creative Commons and open licensing? We can help you navigate copyright issues and fair use.

See understanding copyright and contact Ellen Dubinsky for a personal consultation.