Scan real-world objects and create 3D models. UA affiliates can check out a 3D scanner at the Rhonda G. Tubbs Tech Toolshed (Main Library, first floor).
What is 3D scanning?
A 3D scanner takes a full set of snapshots of an object and stitches them together to create a 3D model. The model can then be used for 3D printing, diagramming, or analysis.
Why is the library offering this service?
We endeavor to provide the latest technology and tools to enhance research and experiential learning. 3D scanning is used to scan real-world objects so they can be incorporated into the product design process, reverse engineering, preservation of cultural heritage, personalized medical treatment and as a start of 3D printing.
What equipment do you use?
You can borrow an EinScan 3D scanner to scan small objects, or a Revopoint large-object scanner.
What can I scan?
Almost anything—from a small grapefruit to a medium-sized room. See our policies for copyright information.
Where can I get help?
Download our 3D scanning guide (Word document) for instructions on how to get started. You can also visit our 3D modeling resources for modeling software and tutorials.
Consultants from the Office of Student Computing Resources are available in the Multimedia Zone (Main Library, first floor) to answer questions.
Contact us
(520) 621-6442