Trudy Griffin-Pierce and Keith Pierce papers

Trudy Griffin-Pierce with her mother and sister. Photo captioned: "Me and My Mother. My mother, my younger sister Kathy Lee and Me."
Collection area: University of Arizona
Collection dates: 1938-2009 bulk (bulk 1980-2008)
Papers, 1938-2009 (1980-2008). This collection consists primarily of the papers of Trudy Griffin-Pierce relating to her professional career as an anthropologist as well as her journals spanning 40 years. The bulk of the material consists of her writings, academic material including material from her graduate education and teaching career as well as correspondence, personal material and her personal journals. Also included is material from solar astronomer Keith Pierce primarily drafts of his autobiography as well as astronomy notes.
Dr. Griffin-Pierce specialized in medical anthropology and native cultures with projects. She was an adjunct lecturer at the University from 1988 to 2003, assistant professor of anthropology from 2003 to 2008 and gained tenure as an associate professor in 2008. She authored six books including
After graduation he was recruited by Leo Goldberg from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to be a research assistant, he then moved to the McMath-Hulbert Observatory near Pontiac, Michigan. Dr. McMath found funding to develop the world’s largest solar telescope at Kitt Peak which Dr. Pierce helped site and design. He was appointed Associate Director in charge of the Solar Division which he held for 16 years. Dr. Pierce greatly contributed to work on the solar spectrum, especially the ultraviolet and infrared frontiers and was also a pioneer in the use of infrared and photoelectric detectors to make accurate measurements. At the 30th anniversary of the dedication of the McMath Solar Telescope in 1992 it was renamed the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope in honor of his contribution to the development of the facility. He died on March 11, 2005.
Trudy Griffin-Pierce was born December 27, 1949 in South Carolina to Ben and Trudy Griffin. Due to Ben Griffin’s career as an Air Force officer, she spent her childhood travelling including living in Florida, Hawaii, England and California. When she was 16 her mother died suddenly of an aneurysm which became a pivotal experience in her life. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Florida State University in printmaking and fine arts. While she was a student there she wrote to the Navajo Tribal Chairman asking if she could join a traditional Navajo family as a daughter. After spending time in Many Farms, Arizona with her Navajo family who she maintained a relationship with for the rest of her life, she returned to Florida to finish her degree. She returned to Arizona and enrolled at the University of Arizona as a graduate student in fine arts but switched to anthropology and earned a Master of Arts in museum studies in 1970. She worked as a curator at the Indian Pueblo Culture Center as well as at the Kitt Peak National Observatory museum. There she met Keith Pierce who she married in 1979. She returned to the University of Arizona and earned a doctorate in anthropology in 1987.
Dr. Griffin-Pierce specialized in medical anthropology and native cultures with projects. She was an adjunct lecturer at the University from 1988 to 2003, assistant professor of anthropology from 2003 to 2008 and gained tenure as an associate professor in 2008. She authored six books including
Austin Keith Pierce was born on October 2, 1918 in Tacoma, Washington to Tracy and Lucy Pierce. He was introduced early to telescopes as his father, a mathematics professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, who built telescopes at home. He attended the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, from 1936 to 1938 but eventually moved to Berkeley where he graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy. He married Mildred Buell in 1941 and had three children, Barbara, John and Ross. During World War II he worked on uranium isotope separation at the E.O. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory calutron in Berkeley as well as in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He returned to Berkeley in 1945 and earned his doctorate in Astronomy in 1948 under Dr. C.D. Shane.
After graduation he was recruited by Leo Goldberg from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to be a research assistant, he then moved to the McMath-Hulbert Observatory near Pontiac, Michigan. Dr. McMath found funding to develop the world’s largest solar telescope at Kitt Peak which Dr. Pierce helped site and design. He was appointed Associate Director in charge of the Solar Division which he held for 16 years. Dr. Pierce greatly contributed to work on the solar spectrum, especially the ultraviolet and infrared frontiers and was also a pioneer in the use of infrared and photoelectric detectors to make accurate measurements. At the 30th anniversary of the dedication of the McMath Solar Telescope in 1992 it was renamed the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope in honor of his contribution to the development of the facility. He died on March 11, 2005.
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