Max Lee Morrison Boone papers

Max Lee Morrison Boone, MD, PhD obituaries titled "Max Boone regarded as a 'caring' doctor" and "Dr. Max L. M. Boone dies; UA Cancer Center founder", 1996 (Box 3 Folder 5).
Collection area: History of Science
Collection dates: 1958 to 2007
Includes professional research, publications, abstracts, correspondence and associated photographs and figures. Contains original inventory of collection. Not organized topically or chronologically. This collection is part of the Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL), a collection that focuses on the University of Arzona College of Medicine. It was transferred to Special Collections in 2018. Formerly collection number HT 0005.
Doctor and physicist Max L.M. Boone, MD, PhD (May 23, 1931 - November 17, 1996). One of the founders of the University of Arizona Cancer Center. In 1972, Boone persuaded local hospitals and the Legislature to support a $2.3 million cancer center for Southern Arizona. Previously Boone was head of the radiation and oncology department at the University of Wisconsin. In the early 1970s, Boone and Eugene Gerner, UA professor of radiation/oncology, pioneered hyperthermia - the use of heat to kill cancer cells. For this work he received the gold medal of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society in the early 1990s.
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