Frank West journal

Photocopy of Frank West's journal, with maps
Collection area: Arizona and Southwest
Collection dates: 1884-1885
Contains a handwritten journal recording military marches from Fort Huachuca, Arizona, to Fort Craig, New Mexico; from Fort Craig to Fort Wingate; and from Fort Wingate to Deming, New Mexico, during the Apache campaign. Includes logs of miles traveled, maps, and some biographical information.
Colonel Frank West was born in New York September 26, 1850. During his military career, he served in campaigns against the Indians; Spanish-American War; and post war duty in the Philippines.
Frank West graduated from the United States Military Academy West Point June 14, 1872. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the sixth Calvary. While serving with the sixth Cavalry he received the brevet of first lieutant for his services against the Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Comanche in 1874. On July 17 1882, while in command of Troop I and a detachment of Indian scouts, he and his men moved against Apache Indians at Big Dry Wash, Arizona. West received the Medal of Honor for his actions at Big Dry Wash.
West participated in expeditions to Sierra Madre Mexico, in 1883, and an expedition against Geronimo in 1886. He also participated in the "Cow Boy War" in Wyoming in 1892. In 1898, he participated in the Battle of San Juan in Cuba and received the brevet of major. In 1900, he was transferred to the ninth Cavalry. West returned the sixth Cavalry in 1901 and served in the Philippines. In 1903, he was promoted to lieutant Colonel of the 5th Cavalry. He achieved the grade of Colonel in 1906 while serving with the second Cavalry. Later in 1907, he was posted to South Dakota and participated in an expedition to Restrain Ute Indians. Colonel West's final posting was Fort Slocum, New York where he was in charge of the recruit depot. He officially retired from military service in 1914. Colonel West spent his retirement in New York. Colonel Frank West died on September 26, 1923, age 73, in Mohawk, New York.
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