Diario, de las ultimas peregrinaciones del Padre Fr. Francisco Garcés, hasta la provincia del Moqui, y noticias de varias nuevas naciones exparcidas hasta el Rio Colorado en Califonia

Manuscript image
Collection area: Borderlands
Collection dates: 1777
Eighteenth century manuscript copy of Padre Francisco Garcés's 11-month travel diary. Leaving San Xavier Mission in the autumn of 1775, he traveled with the second Anza Expedition until reaching the Yuma area. From there, he traveled with two Yuma Indian companions through California, re-visiting the San Gabriel Mission. After exploring the Mohave and Colorado Rivers, they crossed northern Arizona to the Hopi mesas and back, returning to San Xavier Sept. 17, 1776. The last sentence gives his name, the date of 1777, and the location of writing as the Tubutama Mission, in Sonora.
Accompanying hand-colored map locates the pueblos of the northern Rio Grande in New Mexico, as well as those of the Hopi mesas in northeastern Arizona. The legend reads "Mapa del Moqui y Nuevo-Mexico, con las recientes naciones descubiertas en Monte-Rey, Rio Colorado y othras tierras de las Californias, Año 1776."
Spanish Franciscan missionary; explorer of the Southwest; priest at San Xavier del Bac, near Tucson, Arizona, from 1768.
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