Derrotero de los Padres Fray Francisco Atanacio Domínguez, and Fr. Silvestre Vélez, de Escalante, en sus exploraciónes, desde las missiones de Zuñy del Nuevo Mexico, hasta las ymmediaciones de Monte Rey de California

Title page of the diary
Collection area: Borderlands
Collection dates: 1776-1777
Eighteenth-century copy of the diary kept by Vélez de Escalante on his expedition with Dominguez through the four corners area of the American Southwest, July 29, 1776 to Jan. 2, 1777. Although unsuccessful in their mission to find a route from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Monterey, California, their explorations added to the contemporary knowledge about Colorado, Utah and Arizona. The local inhabitants, as well as the natural features, are described in detail.
Original diary lost; this is one of a small number of extant eighteenth century copies. The date and the person who attested to this official copy, Bonilla, are the same as a copy in the Archivo General de Indias in Seville. Thecolophon on this manuscript reads "Escopia de su original que queda el la secretaria dela Comandancia General demi cargo deque Certiico Mexico 26 de Julio de 1777 = Antonio Bonilla."
Vélez de Escalante, better known as Escalante, was a Spanish Franciscan missionary sent to New Mexico in 1774; he was the recorder of this 1776 expedition. Domínguez, a Mexican Franciscan priest, was his ecclesiastical superior and leader of the expedition.
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