Arthur Jerome Present papers

Portrait of Arthur Jerome Present MD, undated (Box 1 Folder 2).
Collection dates: 1924 to 1986
No organization. Contents may not reflect order in itemized list. This collection is part of the Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL), a collection that focuses on the University of Arzona College of Medicine. It was transferred to Special Collections in 2018. Formerly collection number HT 0006.
Present, Arthur Jerome, physician, emeritus educator; b. Rochester, N. Y., May 24, 1905; s. Morris and Sarah (Straws) P.; m. Barbara Kennard, Oct. 7, 1961. B.A., Yale U., 1927, M.D., 1932; Sc.D. in Medicine, Columbia Y., 1937. Surg. intern Duke Hosp., Durham, N.C., 1932-33; med. intern Strong Meml. Hosp., Rochester, 1933-34; resident radiology Presbyn. Hosp., N.Y.C., 1934-37; assoc. radiologist Scripps Meml. Hosp. and Scripps Clinic, La Jolla, Calif., 1937-40; pvt. practice radiology Tucson, 1946-70; assoc. prof. radiology Coll. Medicine, U. Ariz., 1970-71, prof., 1971-86, prof. emeritus, 1986-89; cons. Tucson Med. Center, St. Mary's Hosp., St. Joseph's Hosp., VA Hosp. Tucson, USAF Hosp. Tucson, Vice pres. Tucson Festival Soc., 1958-61, pres., 1961-62; pres. Ariz. Corral Theatre, 1958-63. Served to lt. col. U.S. Army, 1940-46. Fellow Am. Coll. Radiology (chmn. bd. chancellors 1960-61, pres. 1962-63, Gold medal 1975); mem. Am., Ariz. med. assns., Radiol. Soc. N.A., Am. Roentgen Ray Soc., AAAS, Am. Cancer Soc. (pres. Ariz. 1958-59, nat. bd. dirs., exec. com. 1963-67), Sigma Xi. Club: Old Pueblo (Tucson). Died Sept. 22, 1989; buried Tucson.
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