Arizona Women's Political Caucus records

Arizona Women's Political Caucus Membership Flyer.
Collection area: Arizona and Southwest
Collection dates: 1971-2016
The Arizona Women’s Political Caucus (1971-2016) contains materials related to the political activities of the organization including endorsements for candidates seeking local, state and federal office, and fundraising and training for pro-choice legislation and politicians. Records include organizational history, meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, organizational accounting, newspaper clippings, flyers, newsletters and campaign documents. Born digital material
found on a floppy disk can be found in Series IV.
The Arizona Women's Political Caucus (AWPC) is the state affiliate of the National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC). Both the national organization and Arizona state chapter were founded in 1971. The AWPC recruits, trains and supports pro-choice women candidates for elected and appointed offices at all levels of Arizona state and federal government. Since Fall of 1971, the AWPC has engaged in a number of political campaigns including support for the Equal Rights Amendment, the Right to Choose and candidates at several levels of government. The Tucson Chapter of AWPC has been active in these campaigns and several of its members have run for public office.
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