Anua de 1626 en los misiones de San Ignació

Reports on the missions of San Ignacío y sus pueblos de visitas at Mayo, Yaqui, Nebome, Chínipas, and Cicibotari. Includes Carta del Padre Diego de Guzmán, 16 de Septiembre de 1629
Collection area: Borderlands
Collection dates: 1626
Holograph anua, bautismos, and reports on the missions of San Ignacío y sus pueblos de visitas at Mayo, Yaqui, Nebome, Chínipas, and Cicibotari. Includes Carta del Padre Diego de Guzmán, 16 de Septiembre de 1629.
Includes Spanish transcription by Campbell W. Pennington.
Juan Varela was a Jesuit Visitador to the missions in northern Mexico in 1628 and 1629.
Diego de Guzmán was a Jesuit Visitador to the missions in northern Mexico in 1628.
At the time this document was written, the Rectorado de San Ignacio comprised all the territory north of the Rio Mayo.
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