
Securing research funding is a challenge. We can help you articulate your vision and plan, increasing the competitiveness of your proposal.
Refine your idea and make the case
- Search our specialized research databases to uncover previous research
- Use interlibrary loan to request materials the library doesn't have
- Conduct a comprehensive literature review with the support of your librarian
- Consult with us on archival materials or rare books through Special Collections
Initiate your proposal and secure institutional approvals
Work with your department or college business office to:
- Initiate your proposal in UAccess Research
- Begin building a budget
- Assemble the language for standard grant component parts
- Secure institutional approvals from relevant stakeholders
Develop your data and publishing plan
- See our data management website and consult with Fernando Rios, data management experts.
- For federal grants, familiarize yourself with agency policies for public access
Include data and information about the library
Your grant application may ask for statistics about library collections. As of 2017, the Main, Science-Engineering, Fine Arts, and Special Collections include:
- 6,800,038 print volumes
- 1,759,433 ebooks
- 97,844 ejournals
Learn more about our library locations and our mission, vision, and strategic plan.
See also information specific to the Health Sciences Library.
Consider commercialization of your invention
- Search for patents to assess the competitiveness of your invention
- Contact your librarian for support with patent, market, technical, and scientific research
- Get information and support through Tech Launch Arizona