2023 Lois Olsrud Library Faculty Excellence Award winners

Dr. Ahlam Saleh (left) and Laurie E. Eagleson
Congratulations to this year's recipients!
Dr. Ahlam Saleh and Laurie E. Eagleson are the recipients of the Lois Olsrud Library Faculty Excellence Award for 2023. Both are "highly deserving librarians" said their peers who nominated each.
Saleh “has been instrumental in strengthening the relationship of the University Libraries (UAL) with the College of Medicine - Tucson (COM-T), including increasing UAL’s role in the curriculum and connecting College of Medicine - Tucson faculty and students with library resources at both the Health Sciences Library and Main Library,” said Janet Crum, Director, Health Sciences Library.
Eagelson “has consistently demonstrated sustained excellence in every facet of our organizational values on which this award is based. Always working in support of students and faculty, Laurie supports several projects at the Libraries that have had far-reaching, positive impacts on the research, teaching, and learning missions of campus," said Leslie Sult, Librarian, Student Learning & Engagement.
About the award
The University Libraries presents this annual award to a library faculty member who has demonstrated sustained excellence in service to, and/or collaboration with, the Libraries' customers, resulting in significant benefit to faculty, students, researchers and/or others.
The award is supported by the Lois Olsrud Endowment. Lois Olsrud was a humanities librarian at the University Libraries who was dedicated, caring, and highly respected by her Libraries colleagues and the UArizona faculty and students with whom she worked. After a long and distinguished career, Olsrud retired in 1996 and passed away June 2, 2021.