50 Years Exhibit

Civil Rights in Arizona from 1963 to Today

Photo of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X waiting for press conference

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X meet before a press conference. Both men had come to hear the Senate debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This was the only time the two men ever met; their meeting lasted only one minute.


All Day, Jan. 15 – Aug. 30, 2013


As a companion exhibit to 50 Years: Civil Rights in Arizona from 1963 to Today, this exhibit showcases material about  the social movements for civil rights in the American Indian, Women’s,  LGBT, and Mexican American communities. It also features music of the civil rights era,  in addition to material related to the Black Power movement. Material related to the efforts by the US government to suppress dissent through the COINTELPRP program is also included.

Related information

Lecture Series on Civil Rights

50 Years Later


Bob Diaz