Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Chapter Tucson, Arizona records

A page of the Delta Kappa Gamma Omicron State newsletter the Arizona Saguaro, which shows the honorees at the 1976 Omicron State Convention.
Collection area: Arizona and Southwest
Collection dates: 1936 to 2023
The Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) Alpha Chapter collection contains documents, forms, records, and scrapbooks about the activities of the chapter. Series I contains meeting flyers, minutes and attendance rolls, as well as organizational histories and event brochures. DKG documents created under past presidents can be found under the DKG President's name. Series II contains scrapbooks, which are composed of photos and materials of events and newspaper clippings about members. Born-digital material, found on a CD, has also been surveyed and processed to make available for public access
The Alpha Chapter is the first chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (DKG), a professional society for women educators, in Arizona. The chapter was founded on January 25, 1936. In 1959, the chapter was split into 5 constituent chapters, Alpha, Lambda, Mu, Nu and Xi. Throughout its operation, the chapter has been involved in local political issues surrounding teacher's working conditions, including pay, pensions, leaves of absence, school funding and the treatment of female educators. Addditionally, the Chapter engaged in charitable fundraising for educational scholarships, disaster relief and scholarships for prospective educators. Notable members include Ida Flood Dodge, Ann Paget Rogers, Evelyn Jones Kirmse, Helen Keeling and Mary Holloway, a current member of 50 years.
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