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Arizona Daily Star
Access full text of the major daily newspaper serving Tucson, Arizona, from 1991-present. Does not include Associated Press stories, guest comments from editorials, or specials.
Arizona Republic
Access full text of the major daily newspaper serving Arizona, 1999-present. Includes locally produced news articles and regional and national Associated Press stories. Does not include syndicated columnists or guest comments from editorials.
You can find additional Arizona news sources in the Access World News database.
Find historical news
Arizona Historical Digital Newspapers
Access more than 50 digitized historical Arizona newspapers from the 1880s-1920s. Browse by title, time period, or county. Search across one newspaper or all papers. Includes a clickable map to locate digitized newspapers available by county.
Arizona Historical Newspapers
Find full-page images of more than 20 newspapers from Nogales, Phoenix, Prescott, Tombstone, and Tucson, covering 1866-1931. Includes newspapers in English and Spanish.
Index to Arizona news in the Arizona Daily Star
Locate print index of articles from 1953-1965 and 1970-1989. An index for 1966-1969 is in a card file in the Information Commons. The Arizona Daily Star from 1879-2010 is also on microfilm in the Main Library.
Tucson Citizen
The Tucson Citizen ceased printing in 2009, but the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has captured some of the online archives (snapshots from December 1998 to present). You can also search early editions of the Tucson Citizen (1940-1977) and the Tucson Daily Citizen (1882-1922) through library databases.
Historic Mexican and Mexican American Press
Find digitized newspapers and magazines representing Mexican and Mexican American press from Tucson, El Paso, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sonora, Mexico from the mid-1800s to the 1970s.