This is an index of the library's women's history microfilms and microfiche. For location information, see finding and using microforms.
Guides are usually on top of the cabinet above their respective microforms unless stated otherwise.
Annual Report of the Women's National Indian Association, 1883-1938
Micro- fiche 1312
Bibliography of American Women
Micro- film 7055
The Bureau of Social Hygiene Project and Research Files [1913-1940]: a collection of the Rockefeller Archive Center of the Rockefeller University
Micro- film 7443
Diary of Beatrice Webb, 1873-1943
Micro- fiche 412
Fashion Advertising Collection, 1942-1982
- Knitwear Fashions, 1958-1982: Micro- film 6893
- Coatvertising Weekly, 1942-1982: Micro- film 6894
- Tot 'n' Teen Fashions, 1951-1982: Micro- film 6895
- Sportswear on Parade, 1946-1982: Micro- film 6896
- Hatvertising Weekly, 1949-1972: Micro- film 6897
- Men's & Boy's Wear Scene, 1970-1982: Micro- film 6898
- Foundation Fashions in Review, 1963-82: Micro- film 6899
The Gay Rights Movement
- The Mattachine Society of New York Records, 1951-1976: Micro- film 7655
- Gay Activists Alliance, 1970-1983: Micro- film 7654
Gay Rights Movement. Series 5-8
Available from the Center for Research Libraries. Request via interlibrary loan.
- Series 5: Gay Activism in Britain from 1958: The Hall-Carpenter Archives from the London School of Economics
- Series 6: Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance Archives, ca. 1972-1994
- Series 7: Lesbian Herstory Archives
- Series 8: Selected Periodicals from the GLBT Historical Society
The Gerritsen Collection of Women's History
Note: This is a large collection; the individual holdings are available separately in library search.
Micro- film 7022 & 992
Herstory: Women's History Collection (Feminist Publications, 1970s)
Micro- film 4034
Guide: HQ 1101.H357 1992, Main Reference
History of Women on Microfilm
Note: Since this is a large collection, the individual holdings are available separately in library search.
Micro- film 4797
HQ 1121 H57 1983
- Reels 1-934: Printed books
- Reels 935-962: Pamphlets
- Reels 963: Photographs
- Reels 964-995: Manuscripts
The Lowell Offering; A Repository of Original Articles, Written Exclusively by Females Actively Employed in the Mills, 1840-1842 (aka The Lowell Offering and Magazine, 1842-1843)
- Micro- fiche 209
- Micro- fiche 796
- Micro- film 3299 & 675
Margaret Sanger Papers: Documents from the Sophia Smith Collection and College Archives, Smith College; Series 2
Micro- film 7423
Medieval and Early Modern Women, Part I: Manuscripts from the British Library, London
Special Collections: Z791.A1 C36 2006 v.2
Includes works by Margery Kempe, Lady Margaret Hoby, manuscripts relating to Christine de Pisan, Marie De France, Julian of Norwich, Bridget of Sweden, Katharine Aston, Katharine Austen, Jane Barker, Mary (Roper) Clarcke, Grace Cary, Lettice Cary, Elizabeth Jocely, Jane Lumley, Katharine Parr, and Margaret Roper.
Online reel guide
National Woman's Party Papers
Micro- film 7025
- Part I: National Woman's Party papers, 1913-1974
- Part II: The Suffrage Years, 1913-1920
Papers of Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933-1945
Micro- film 6873
Papers of Mary McLeod Bethune
Micro- film 4158
Papers of the League of Women Voters, 1918-1974
Micro- film 6874
- Part 1: Meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committees: minutes and related documents, 1918-1974
- Part 2A: Transcripts and records of National Conventions, 1919-1944, and of General Councils, 1927-1943
- Part 2B: Transcripts and records of National Conventions, 1946-1974, and of General Councils, 1945-1973
- Part 3A: National office subject files, 1920-1932
Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965
Micro- film 7149
- Part 1: Reports of the Director, Annual Summaries, Major Conferences, Speeches, and Articles
Papers of the Women's Trade Union League and its principal leaders
Micro- film 6703
Guide: HD 6079.2 .U5 P36 1981
- Collection I. Margaret Dreier Robins papers
- Collection II. National W.T.U.L. papers (Schlesinger Library)
- Collection III. Mary Anderson papers
- Collection IV. New York W.T.U.L. papers
- Collection V. Leonora O'Reilly papers
- Collection VI. Rose Schneiderman papers
- Collection VII. Agnes Nestor papers
- Collection VIII. O'Sullivan autobiography, Boston W.T.U.L. collections, Chicago W.T.U.L. collections
- Collection IX. W.T.U.L. publications
Report on Condition of Woman and Child Wage-Earners in the United States, 1910-1913
Micro- film 6958
Schlesinger Library Vertical File for Women's Studies (1950s-present)
Micro- fiche 1844
Sex & Sexuality, 1640-1940: Literary, Medical and Sociological Perspectives
Micro- film 7710 (online reel guide)
- Pt. 1: Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London
The Social and Political Status of Women in Britain, 1870-1928
Micro- film 7479
Southern Women and Their Families In the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries
- Series E; Holdings of the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley collections, Louisiana State University Libraries: Micro- film 7656
- Series F; Holdings of the Center for American History, the University of Texas at Austin: Micro- film 7657
University of California, Berkeley Suffragists Oral History Collection (1-12)
Micro- fiche 1029
What Women Wrote: Scenarios, 1912-1929
Micro- film 7225
Witchcraft in Early New England
Micro-film 7498 and guide
The Woman Voter, 1910-1917
Micro- film 6206
Women and Health/Mental Health
Micro- film 6751
Women, Morality, AND ADVICE LITERATURE. Manuscripts and Rare Printed Works of Hannah More (1745-1833) and her Circle from the Clark Library, Los Angeles. pts. 1-3.
Available from the Center for Research Libraries. Request via interlibrary loan.
Women, Suffrage, and Politics: The Papers of Sylvia Pankhurst, 1882-1960, from the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam
Micro- film 7376 and guide, at the Center for Creative Photography and Main Library
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Papers, 1915-1978
Micro- film 7090
Women's Language and experience, 1500-1940: women's diaries and related sources
Online reel guide
Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College
- Series 1; Woman's suffrage: Micro- film 7406
- Series 2; Women in national politics: Micro- film 7407
- Series 3; Sexuality, sex education, and reproductive rights: Micro- film 7408
Working Women in Victorian Britain, 1850-1910: Diaries and Letters of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910) and Hannah Cullwick (1833-1909) from Trinity College, Cambridge.
Micro- film 7375 at the Center for Creative Photography
Online reel guide
World Conference of the International Women's Year (1975: Conference Center of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Micro- fiche 277
Women's Periodicals
The Ballot Box, 1876-1878
Micro- film 6204
The Equal Rights; Independent Feminist Weekly, 1935-1936
Micro- film 6230
The Club Woman, 1907-1914
Micro- film 6232
The Coming Nation, 1907-1914
Micro- film 6233
The Keystone; A Monthly Journal Devoted to Women's Work, 1899-1913
Micro- film 6234
The Lady's Friend, 1864-1873
Micro- film 6225
The Lady's Garment Worker, 1910-1918
Micro- film 6226
Life and Labor, 1911-1921 (by the National Women's Trade Union League of America)
Micro- film 6223
The Lily: A Ladies' Journal Devoted to Temperance Literature, 1849-1856
Micro- film 6202
The Revolution, 1868-1872
Micro- film 6201
The Stiletto, 1900-1901
Micro- film 6208
The Una, 1853-1855
Micro- film 6220
The Western Woman Voter, 1911-1913
Micro- film 6207
The Woman Patriot; Dedicated to the Defense of Womanhood, Motherhood, the Family and the State, against Suffragism, Feminism, and Socialism, 1918-1932
Micro- film 6224
The Woman Rebel, 1914
Micro- film 6231
The Woman Voter, 1910-1917
Micro- film 6206
The Woman Worker, 1916-1921
Micro- film 6222
The Women's Protest, 1912-1918
Micro- film 6221