Donation of materials

Note: Pima County Public Library are accepting only limited donations of materials.

As a general rule, the UA Libraries do not accept gifts of books or other non-archival materials. We do make exceptions, however, when they meet all of the following conditions:

  1. They're valuable, unique, or specialized,
  2. They would meet known research or instructional needs at the UA, and
  3. They're not easily available to us through partner libraries (e.g., interlibrary loan).

We'll also consider content that could enhance our Special Collections or important content that was produced by members of our UA community. Please contact one of our librarians if you have questions or if you have gift books you'd like us to consider.

If you have materials you'd like to donate that don't meet the above criteria, we recommend contacting the Friends of Pima County Library.

We may also be able to facilitate your gift going to the Internet Archive’s Open Library, through which digital copies of print books are made freely available to check out and use online through Controlled Digital Lending. Contact Print and Collaborative Collection Initiatives Unit Lead Liz Miller if you’d like to learn more.