University Libraries staff assist Arizona State Museum library digital merger

The Arizona State Museum (ASM) is the oldest and largest anthropology museum in the Southwest. Located in Tucson, Arizona, ASM specializes in the anthropology of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, including archaeology, ethnology, ethnohistory, and material culture.
ASM houses a publicly accessible Library and Archives that holds over 100,000 volumes, including rare titles, original research data, manuscripts, archaeological reports, and more.
ASM's library catalog is more searchable and accessible than ever now that it has been migrated to, and merged with, UAL's Main Library catalog: Arizona State Museum Digital Library and Archives (
Collaboration benefits:
- More resources are searchable in one place, including partner libraries such as the Law Library, Poetry Center, Steward Observatory, Worlds of Words, Desert Laboratory, and the Center for Creative Photography.
- Better visibility and reach new users when the ASM library holdings are included in the Main Library's search.
ASM thanked University Libraries staff on social media for their work making this process a success: “This is a huge cause for celebration at ASM because we are leaving behind an old, out-of-date system with many quirks and sailing into the 21st century. It is also very exciting for the campus because our resources will be exposed alongside all the other fine libraries at the University of Arizona. [ASM Associate Librarian (Archivist), Head of Library & Archives] Molly (pictured above) thanks the University of Arizona Main Library professionals who welcomed ASM’s data and facilitated the smooth transition, set policies, provided training, and got the memorandum of understanding in place: Daricus Larry, Mona Ammon, Lee Hemphill, Mindy Jones, Michael Brewer, and Teresa Hazen…also the fearless and flexible ASM team of Kimberly Henkel, Caroline Kinsley, and Kate Stewart."
Michael Brewer, Senior Information Resources Officer, added, “So happy we were finally able to make this happen! Daricus did all the backend work to help them migrate their records into Alma and make sure they were all there and correct. He migrated their records into Alma. Thank you for all your work on this one.”