University Libraries joins Realities of Academic Data Sharing Initiative

University Libraries is one of the institutions joining the Realities of Academic Data Sharing (RADS) Initiative, a research project aimed at understanding and addressing the complexities and costs associated with managing and sharing data from funded research.
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) announced the project's newest cohort on August 15. ARL is a nonprofit membership organization of research libraries and archives in major public and private universities, federal government agencies, and large public institutions in Canada and the U.S.
Fernando Rios, Associate Specialist, Research Data Management, is University Library's Research Lead on the project which runs from fall 2024 through summer 2026.
University Libraries Dean Shan Sutton was quoted in the article: “The University of Arizona Libraries look forward to collaborating with our colleagues in the RADS project to advance sustainable models for openly sharing research data as a core service in research libraries." Dean Sutton is a member of the ARL Scholars and Scholarship Committee.