University of Arizona Press recent accolades, news

University of Arizona Press recent accolades, news

Feb. 14, 2023


UA Press earns three 'PubWest' design awards

Congratulations to The University of Arizona Press Editorial Production and Design team: Amanda Krause, Leigh McDonald, and Sara Thaxton! Because of their creativity and dedication to excellence, the team received three awards for book design at The Publishers Association of the West’s (PubWest) 2023 conference. Read full story.

'Michael Chiago' wins 2023 Southwest Books of the Year Award

We are thrilled to announce that Michael Chiago by Michael Chiago Sr. and Amadeo M. Rea won a 2023 Southwest Books of the Year Award. Southwest Books of the Year considers titles published during the calendar year that are about Southwest subjects or are set in the Southwest. Read full story.

'The Beloved Border' wins 2022 Southwest Book Award

Congratulations to The Beloved Border author Miriam Davidson who has been selected to receive a 2022 Southwest Book Award from the Border Regional Library Association! Since 1971, the Southwest Book Awards have been presented in recognition of outstanding books about the Southwest published each year in any genre and directed toward any audience (scholarly, popular, children).

The Beloved Border is a potent and timely report on the U.S.-Mexico border. Though this book tells of the unjust death and suffering that occurs in the borderlands, Davidson gives us hope that the U.S.-Mexico border could be, and in many ways already is, a model for peaceful coexistence worldwide.


Open Arizona: Twenty Backlist archaeology titles now available

Thanks to a grant from the NEH, we are pleased to announce that we have been able to add twenty backlist titles in archaeology. These titles expand our understandings of the ancient Southwest and demonstrate the University of Arizona’s Press’s long-standing excellence in the field of archaeology. Read full story.

UA Press gets Ms. Magazine shout-out for 'Lavender Fields'

Lavender Fields: Black Women Experiencing Fear, Agency, and Hope in the Time of COVID-19 made Ms. Magazine’s January Reads for the Rest of Us.

Published by UAPress and edited by Julia A. Jordan-ZacheryLavender Fields uses autoethnography to explore how Black girls and women are living with and through COVID-19. It centers their pain, joys, and imaginations for a more just future as we confront all the inequalities that COVID-19 exposes. Black women and girls in the United States are among the hardest hit by the pandemic in terms of illnesses, deaths, evictions, and increasing economic inequality. Riffing off Alice Walker’s telling of her search for Zora Neal Hurston, the authors of these essays and reflections offer raw tellings of Black girls’ and women’s experiences written in real time, as some of the contributors battled COVID-19 themselves. Read full story.

About UA Press

The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. We disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. We advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.