University of Arizona Press books to read for Women's History Month

For a recent history of Indigenous and Chicana culture in Los Angeles, check out "Mujeres” edited by Amber Rose González, Felicia 'Fe' Montes, and Nadia Zepeda. This is an Indigenous Xicana–led spiritual artivist organization and movement by and for women and feminists of color.
Chronicling its quarter-century-long herstory, this book weaves together diverse stories with attention to their larger sociopolitical contexts. The book crosses conventional genre boundaries through the inclusion of poetry, visual art, testimonios, and essays.
What is the role of creativity in the anticolonial movement? Read new perspectives on womens' role in the history in Central America. Karina Alma offers a systemic method and artistic mode for unpacking social and political memory formation that resists dominant histories. “Counterpoetics” responds to political repression through acts of creativity that prioritize the well-being of anticolonial communities. Building on Toni Morrison’s theory of rememory, the volume examines the concept as an embodied experience of a sensory place and time lived in the here and now. By employing primary sources of image and word, interviews of creatives, and a critical self-reflection as a Salvadoran immigrant woman in academia, Alma's research breaks ground in subject matter and methods by considering cultural and historical ties across countries, regions, and traditions.
"Writing" is another book which gives practical advice on writing women's history. It provides a brief history of the roots of the fields of Chicanx literature and history. It's perfect for undergraduates who want to improve their research and writing skills. L. Heidenreich and Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz emphasize practice: how to research and write a Chicanx or Latinx history paper; how to research and write a Chicanx or Latinx literature or cultural studies essay; and how to conduct interviews, frame pláticas, and conduct oral histories. Each chapter includes questions for discussion, and all examples from across the subfields are from noted Chicanx and Latinx scholars. Women's and queer scholarship and methods are not addressed in a separate chapter but are instead integral to the work.
The University of Arizona Press
The University of Arizona Press (UA Press) is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. UA Press disseminates ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. UA Press advances the University of Arizona mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.