A message from Department Head Verónica Reyes-Escudero

Dear Special Collections community, we miss you!
We continue to respond to a changing environment during the COVID-19 public health pandemic. The health and well-being of our staff and our community is our priority. With this in mind, Special Collections will remain closed until further notice. However, we are shifting as quickly as we can to continue serving your research needs. The University of Arizona is working closely with public health officials and will continue to assess the ongoing need for these restrictions. Learn more about our current services.
We appreciate your patience as we all work together to keep our community healthy. To better serve you remotely, please contact us through our services page, browse our digital collections, and enjoy our online exhibitions.
Many of you have reached out regarding donations of archival collections. Please stay tuned as we determine the best protocols for receiving donated materials and keeping everyone's safety in mind. We are working as quickly as we can, as well as accommodating furloughs, limited on-site work schedules, and an ever-changing environment.
We appreciate your partnership and patience.
Verónica Reyes-Escudero
Katheryne B. Willock Head of Special Collections