Library Carpentry workshops, June 6 & 13

Library Carpentry workshops, June 6 & 13

May 30, 2024
Library Carpentry logo

Library Carpentry focuses on building software and data skills within library and information-related communities. People working in library- and information-related roles can learn how to:

  • Identify and use best practices in data structures
  • Learn how to programmatically transform and map data from one form to another
  • Work effectively with researchers, IT, and systems colleagues
  • Automate repetitive, error prone tasks

Our Library Carpentry workshops will introduce the fundamentals of computing and provides you with a platform for further self-directed learning.

No previous knowledge needed.


  • Thursday, June 6: Tidy Data
  • Thursday, June 13: Introduction to the UNIX shell
  • Register for one session or both
Jeff Oliver, Data Cooperative