Ford Foundation grant funds Reclaiming the Border Narrative digital archive

The Reclaiming the Border Narrative digital archive is now live and highlights projects that illuminate dignity, joy, resilience, resistance, beauty, sorrow, humor, love, and everything in between and, in the process, expose and transcend colonial narratives and externally imposed perspectives of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Funded by the Ford Foundation, the University of Arizona Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry and Special Collections are the Archival Partner with dozens of U.S.-Mexico borderlands artists, advocates, journalists, and cultural practitioners to build and activate a digital archive of projects aimed at Reclaiming the Border Narrative, advancing migrant justice and addressing gaps in the archival record.
You can access the digital archive on the Reclaiming the Border Narrative website which serves as a portal for the in-development archive of openly accessible primary source materials centering firsthand perspectives from affected communities in the U.S.-Mexico border.
As the archive grows, the project website will showcase additional grantee profiles and archival materials.
Photo from the Reclaiming the Border Narrative website.
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