Current guidelines for using the Health Sciences Library
Update effective Friday, September 18: The library remains accessible to UAHS affiliates with an active CatCard at the main entrance. The library is now open for limited hours, seven days a week. The library will not be staffed for face-to-face customer service. Users will have access to air-conditioned study space, UAWiFi network, and limited computer workstations in the lab, with cleaning supplies provided.
- Employees, students, and visitors must use face coverings in all UArizona locations, both indoors and outdoors, including in study rooms, in accordance with UArizona's Administrative Directive and the Dean of Students Face Covering Compliance Guidelines.
- We strongly encourage individuals to reserve a study room prior to arrival.
- We encourage users to bring their own electronic devices, including chargers, cables, and peripherals.
- Users will refrain from entering the building if you're ill or believe you may be getting ill.
- Children under 18 won't be permitted in the facility.
- Users will observe social distancing, 6-foot separation or better.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available.
- Study rooms and tables will have a maximum occupancy of one (1).
- Users won't move furnishings, placed to reinforce social distancing.
- Users will clean the areas where you work (study, read, etc.) before and after use.
- Staff recommends that you bring your own personal cleaning supplies, but cleaning supplies will be provided in designated areas.
- Users will exit by midnight so that custodial staff may clean.
Online access to course materials
We can help you with free-to-use course content, including library-licensed ebooks, streaming video, and online articles. See additional resources, including new tutorials, in our guide on library support for instructors. If you need help finding or accessing digital materials, contact us.
Anticipate longer turnaround times
Given our limited staff, our quarantine protocols for returned materials, and the decreased capacity of other libraries we work with, the turnaround time between placing and picking up your holds and interlibrary loans will be longer. We appreciate your patience.
Holds & pickups for items in our physical collection
- Use express retrieval to request books from our Main, Weaver Science-Engineering, Fine Arts, and Health Sciences Libraries. Pick up all items at the Main Library.
- Use interlibrary loan to request items borrowed from another library. You will be notified to pick up your item(s) from a designated automatic code locker located on the 2nd floor.
Technology checkout & return at Main Library only
- Enrolled students can pick up equipment (including laptops, video cameras, projectors, and cords) in the Main Library lobby Sunday-Thursday, 10am-2pm on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Students can also schedule an appointment with us by contacting
- We'll send notices to students about due dates.
- Check for available technology.
Returning materials
- You can return all materials, including books and interlibrary loans, in the book return outside the Health Sciences Library or by the main entrance.
- We're following best practice guidelines on quarantining materials.
- If you're no longer affiliated with the university or are leaving town, return books to the book return outside HSL. If you're not in Tucson, email us at to discuss options.
- Learn more about our checkout and renewal process.
Getting support
- Check out resources for students.
- Contact your librarian.
- See our guide on library support for instructors.
- Learn about library support for researchers while we make plans to reopen.
- Get updates from the university's Office for Research, Innovation & Impact about research operations and activities.
- Take a look at other campus IT resources, including remote UAWiFi hotspots and software options.
Events and programming
Library events are canceled, postponed, or being held virtually.
We're here to help
Contact us for assistance through our Ask Us service or reach out to your librarian to learn about the services, resources, and helpful tools available to you.