Congratulations to our graduating student workers

Congratulations to our graduating student workers

April 29, 2021

Congratulations to our student employees who are graduating this spring or summer!

They support the work we do in our departments by: 

  • helping people at our Ask Us desks and researching archival materials
  • assisting with business operations and technology requests
  • retrieving books from our stacks and collaborating on special projects 
  • scanning documents and processing collections    
  • improving the user experience, keeping our spaces safe, and much more

Last year, two of them even had the opportunity to write about their experiences as students.

From Pharmacy Tech to UX Researcher tells how America Curl made the decision to attend the University of Arizona right before turning 30. In My Rapid Return to India, Yashu Vats takes us on the long journey from Tucson to his home in Mumbai during the pandemic in March 2020.

The student employees in Special Collectionsincluding those who aren't graduating just yetallowed us to respond to requests related to our Special Collections scanning services while we were closed. From August 10, 2020 to May 4, 2021, they served over 219 people, scanned 18,733 pages and 430 images, and filled out 132 online reproduction requests. 

To all of the graduating students who worked with us: We thank you, we'll miss you, and we wish you all the best!

Graduate students

Freya Arnesen, Library and Information Science (Research & Learning)
Emily Gammons, Library and Information Science (Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship)
Elizabeth Garcia, Library and Information Science (Special Collections)
Caroline Kinsley, Library and Information Science (Special Collections)
Emma Luthi, Library and Information Science (Special Collections)
Elizabeth Wheeler, Library and Information Science (Special Collections)

Undergraduate students

America Curl, Information Science and eSociety; Global Studies (User Experience)
Hailey Farmer, Art History; Arts Administration (Access & Information Services)
Dalton Glove, Math and Philosophy; Data Science/Statistics, Chinese, and Physics (Delivery, Description & Acquisitions)
Emma Gould, English, History, and Professional and Technical Writing (User Experience)
Maryann Lieu, Management Information Systems (Content & Collections)
Saman Madlol, Physiology (Library Business Center)
Amanda Montilla, Information Science and eSociety (Access & Information Services)
Abhishek Sharma, Computer Science (CATalyst Studios)
Yashu Vats, Business Administration in Management Information Systems and Operations & Supply-Chain Management (User Experience)

Check out our student job opportunities if you or someone you know might be interested.