Archive Tucson interview featured in Arizona Public Media's Juneteenth coverage
June 12, 2024

South Park, 1960s
The Archive Tucson "South Park, 1960s" oral interview is part of Arizona Public Media's Tucson 2024 Juneteenth Festival coverage.
The audio short (3:58) features Richard Davis who recalls being part of the Black community in the mid-1960s and assisting Tucson legend Quincie Douglas in creating the Low-Income Free Transportation Service, or LIFTS, which would later become SunVan.
Archive Tucson is a living and growing collection of audio interviews about life and change in Tucson and Southern Arizona. University Libraries oral historian and videographer, Aengus Anderson, has spent more than five years interviewing 100+ people and recording their stories about our city.
Related: Juneteenth & Beyond presentations & Culture of Food start June 4
Aengus Anderson