2021 Willock Library Research Award Winners Announced

Libraries and research go hand in hand.
This year, we celebrated our 10th annual Katheryne B. Willock Library Research Award by recognizing six students for their research and how they connect to the University of Arizona Libraries.
The Willock Award is presented each year in conjunction with the University of Arizona Graduate & Professional Student Council Showcase. Graduate and undergraduate students from all disciplines were invited to apply by submitting a poster, a short essay, and a brief video. Applicants explain how they used our library resources, services, and expertise to support the research presented in their Showcase poster submission.
Associate Librarian Paula Johnson is the chair of the Willock Awards committee. “It’s interesting to learn about the high-level work these students are doing," said Johnson. "It's also very exciting to hear how they're engaging with our libraries.”
The virtual Student Showcase Awards Ceremony was on February 26, and each Willock Award winner received $1,000. Johnson added, “We’re grateful for the endowment from Katheryne B. Willock that allows us to support outstanding student researchers.”
Congratulations to the 2021 award winners!
Graduate students
Michelle Bailey, Aerospace Engineering
Prediction of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in High-Speed Flows
Chen Chen, Chinese Linguistics
“Being Polite” or Corpus-based Study of Second Language Pragmatic Marker BA in Chinese
David Haddad, Medicine
Musculoskeletal Knowledge Assessment in Medical Students Participating in 18-month Versus 24-month Preclinical Curriculum
Violeta Martinez, Chemical Engineering
WRA-Improving the Performance of Fixed-bed Catalytic Reactors by Innovative Catalyst Distributions
Srujitha Marupuru, Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Effect of Physical Activity on Sleep Quality Among Older Stroke Survivors: Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Undergraduate student
Fiona Nguyen, Psychology
Perceived Internal and External Motivations of Diversity Statement Based on Applicant Race