The Wilderness Act: 50th Anniversary

Opening Reception

President Johnson signing the Wilderness Act Bill in 1964


5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Sept. 2, 2014


Join us for the opening event of Special Collections newest exhibition, The Wilderness Act: Arizonans Keeping It Wild for 50 Years, featuring guest speaker Meg Weesner, retired National Park Service professional and exhibition co-curator.

This new exhibit showcases how, 50 years after becoming law, the Wilderness Act continues to benefit the American people by ensuring millions of acres of public land are available for recreation, exploration and inspiration. "The Wilderness Act" features original material from Special Collections including maps, books, archival documents and photographs from the collections of Edward Abbey and Stewart and Morris Udall.

Related coverage
KXCI 30 Minutes program
Arizona Daily Star Editorial
Promo video on Youtube



Meg Weesner, National Park Service, Retired