The Lutheran Reformation in Print

Presented by Susan C. Karant-Nunn, Director Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies, and Regents’ Professor of History, and Ute Lotz-Heumann, Heiko A. Oberman Professor of Late Medieval and Reformation History
Karant-Nunn and Lotz-Heumann will speak on two pamphlets which were recently acquired by Special Collections as a gift in honor of the five-hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. Karant-Nunn will discuss the background and the importance of Martin Luther’s 1524 pamphlet, “An die Radherrn aller stedte deutsches lands : das sie Christliche schulen auffrichten vnd hallten sollen” (“Advice To the City Councillors of All German Cities, that They Establish and Maintain Christian Schools”). Lotz-Heumann will explore the content and context of the 1523 pamphlet "Antwort de[m] Murnar vff seine frag / Ob der künig vo[n] Engellant ein lügner sey, oder der götlich doctor Martinus Luter" ("Response to Murner whether the King of England or the Godly Doctor Martin Luther is a Liar").
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