Arizona Scholarly Data Summit

Arizona Scholarly Data Summit poster


10 a.m. – 4 p.m., April 26, 2011


Funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation have recently begun to require that all research proposals include a data management plan. This is in part the result of the recognition that often the data generated by current scholarship is not always properly managed; much too frequently, there is a lack of proper data management planning, as well as a lack of appropriate institutional infrastructure to support data management activities.

The NSF, as well as other funding agencies, is now seeking to ensure that research data is properly managed and where appropriate, made available for re-use. Institutions whose researchers develop strong data management plans for their grant proposals will be at a competitive advantage against proposals that do not have well developed data management plans.

The Arizona Scholarly Data Summit provides an opportunity for researchers and faculty to learn about national efforts to address data management support, as well as local efforts to provide that support here at the University of Arizona.


Jeremy Frumkin
Clifford Lynch, Director, Coalition for Networked Information and Adjunct Professor at the UC Berkeley’s School of Information
William (Bill) Michener, Professor and Director of e-Science Initiatives for University of New Mexico Libraries and Associate Director, Long Term Ecological Research Network Office at the University of New Mexico
Sayeed Choudhury , Associate Dean for Library Digital Programs and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Johns Hopkins University Libraries; Head of the Data Conservancy, funded by NSF's DataNet program
Leslie Tolbert, Vice President for Research, Graduate Studies, and Economic Development of the University of Arizona; Regents Professor & Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology & Anatomy; Acting Director, Arizona Research Labs, Division of Neur
Bryan Heidorn, Associate Professor and Director, School of Information Resources and Library Science (SIRLS), University of Arizona; President of the JRS Biodiversity Foundation
Nirav Merchant, Director, Biotechnology Computing and Director of Information Technology at the Arizona Research Laboratories, University of Arizona