This is an index of the library's Latin American history microfilms and microfiche. For location information, see finding and using microforms.
Guides are usually on top of the cabinet above their respective microforms unless stated otherwise.
Anuario estadistico (Statistics -- El Salvador); 1942-1962
Micro- film 508
Anuario estadistico de la Republica de El Salvador; 1945-1946
Micro- film 1567
Catalog of the Latin American Library of the Tulane University Library, New Orleans : first supplement
Micro- film 7722
CIA Research Reports: Latin America: 1946-1976
Micro- film 6734 and guide
Confidential U.S. State Dept. Central Files. Mexico, 1950-1954: foreign affairs
Micro- film 7687 and guide
Conquistador's: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825.
Available at the Center for Research Library. Request via interlibrary loan.
Crises in Panama and the Dominican Republic. National Security Files and NSC Histories, 1963-1969
Micro- film 6730
Dispatches from United States Consuls in Bogota; 1851-1906
Micro- film 2453
Dispatches from United States Ministers to Colombia; 1820-1906
Micro- film 1466
Dispatches from United States Consuls in Managua; 1884-1906
Micro- film 1234
Guide: GS 4.20:M303 pamphlet
Economic and Commercial Conditions in:
- Brazil, 1919-1926; 1936-1938: Micro- fiche 413
- Cuba, 1922-23; 1926-30; 1932-1935; 1937;1950;1954: Micro- fiche 414
- Argentina, 1921-1956: Micro- fiche 417
- Bolivia, 1926-1956/57; Micro- fiche 418 Chile; 1929-1934: Micro- fiche 419
- Colombia, 1921-1925; 1938: Micro- fiche 420
- Costa Rica, 1918: Micro- fiche 421
- Dominican Republic, 1921-1925; 1930-1938: Micro- fiche 423
- Ecuador, 1921-1925; 1928-1934: Micro- fiche 424
- El Salvador, 1929-: Micro- fiche 425
- Haiti, 1921-1938: Micro- fiche 426
- Honduras, 1920/21, 1925-1927, 1938: Micro- fiche 427
- Nicaragua, 1921/22-1934: Micro- fiche 428
- Panama, 1921/1922, 1924, 1927, 1930, 1933, 1936, 1938, 1951, 1955: Micro- fiche 429
- Paraguay, 1918-1954: Micro- fiche 430
- Peru, 1918-: Micro- fiche 431
- Uruguay, 1918-: Micro- fiche 432
- Guatemala, 1918, 1933, 1926, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1952, 1956: Micro- fiche 433
- Venezuela, 1921-1935: Micro- fiche 435
- British West Indies, 1921-1925; 1937: Micro- fiche 436
El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy; 1977-1984
Micro- film 1783
Great Britain Foreign Office. Panama: Correspondence
- General Correspondence before 1906, 1904-05: Microfilm 3346
- Correspondence, 1828: Microfilm 3461
- Letter-Books, 1827-1904: Microfilm 3462
Honduras: Documentos Microfotografiados por las Unidad Movil de la UNESCO. Spanish colonial period through 1940s
Micro- film 6403
The H.P. Kraus Collection of Documents Relating To Spanish America, 1500-1819.
Micro- film 2695
The Influence of the Cuban Revolution upon Chilean Politics and Foreign Policy; 1959-1965 (thesis)
Micro- film 1894
International Population Census Publications. Region Latin America and the Caribbean, country:
- Argentina, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4414
- Bahama Islands, 1953, 1963: Micro- film 7783
- Belize, 1861-1931: Micro- film 7784
- Bermuda, 1861-1939: Micro- film 7784; 1950, 1960: Micro-film 7783
- Bolivia, 1796-1900: Micro- film 7784; 1950 Micro-film 7783
- Brazil, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4416
- Chile, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4418
- Colombia, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4419
- Costa Rica, 1950, 1963: Micro-film 7786
- Cuba, 1953: Micro-film 7785
- Dominican Republic, 1950: Micro-film; 1960: Micro-film 7780
- El Salvador, 1950: Micro-film 7778; Micro- film 7777
- Ecuador; 1945-1967: Micro- film 4423
- Falkland Islands, 1946, 1953, 1962: Micro- film 7776
- French Guiana, 1946, 1954, 1961, 1967: Micro-film 7776
- Guadelupe, 1946, 1954, 1961, 1967: Micro-film 7776
- Guatemala, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4426
- Haiti, 1950: Micro- film 7781
- Honduras, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4428
- Honduras and Leeward Islands, 1945-1967: Micro- film 6931
- Martinique, 1946, 1954, 1961, 1967: Micro-film 7773
- Netherlands Antilles, 1960: Micro- film 7773
- Nicaragua, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4432
- Paraguay, 1950, 1962: Micro- film 7772
- Peru, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4438
- St. Pierre & Miquelon, 1951,1957,1962,1967: Micro-film 7773
- Uruguay, 1860-1908: Micro- film 7774; 1963: Micro- film 7775
- Venezuela, 1945-1967: Micro- film 4437
The John F. Kennedy national security files. Latin America [microform] : national security files, 1961-1963
Micro- film 7764 and guide
Latin America; 1946-1976
Micro- film 6734
Latin American Pamphlets from the Yale University Library
Micro- fiche 1188
Guide: Z1431.Y34 1985
Latin America, Special Studies Series
- 1962-1980: Micro- film 6731
- 1980-1982, Supplement: Micro- film 6732
- 1982-1985, Supplement: Micro- film 7420
- 1985-1988, Supplement: Micro- film 7409
- 1989-1991, Supplement: Micro- film 7410
- 1992-1994, Supplement: Micro- film 7477
- 1995-1997, Supplement: Micro- film 7717
Latin America, 1941-1961 (OSS/State Dept. Intelligence and research reports)
Micro- film 6729
Mexican Immigration, 1906-1930
Micro- film 7369
Peron Era Political Pamphlets and Monographs
Micro- fiche 1642
Records of the Department of State Relating to:
- Internal Affairs of Argentina, 1910-1929: Micro- film 6389
- Political Relations Between Peru and Other States, 1910-1929: Micro- film 6390
- Political Relations Between the U.S. and Argentina, 1910-1929: Micro- film 4906
- Political Relations Between Argentina and Other States, 1910-1929: Micro- film 4907
U.S. Military Intelligence Reports, Mexico, 1919-1941
Micro- film 6679 and guide