This is an index of the library's Mexican history microfilms and microfiche. For location information, see finding and using microforms.
Guides are usually on top of the cabinet above their respective microforms unless stated otherwise.
La Antorcha
Micro- film 3501
El Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Micro- film 318
Archivo franciscano, a manuscript collection in the National Library of Mexico (Film reproductions of manuscripts relating to Spanish Sonora (now southern Arizona, Sonora, and Sinaloa)
Micro- film 7147
Archivo General de la Nación (Mexico). Catálogo de fichas hemerográficas.
PN 4964.M49 1985
British Foreign Office Records on Mexico; 1920-1948
Micro- film 6417
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Mexico, 1950-1963: Foreign Affairs
- 1950-1954: Micro- film 7687 and guide
- 1955-1959: Micro- film 7688 and guide (Decimal numbers 612 & 611.2)
- 1960-Jan. 1963: Micro- film 7691 and guide (Decimal numbers 612 & 611.2)
Confidential U.S. State Department Central Files. Mexico, 1940-1963: Internal Affairs
- 1940-1944: Micro- film 7690 and guides
- 1945-1949: Micro- film 7693 and guides
- 1950-1954: Micro- film 7698 and guide
- 1955-1959: Micro- film 7689 and guide
- 1960-Jan. 1963: Micro- film 7692
Conquistadors: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825.
Available from the Center for Research Libraries. Request via interlibrary loan.
Demographic Trends of Mexico: hearing before the subcommittee on Census and Population of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 1986
CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 86 H621-43
Despatches from United States Consuls (812 series):
Note: All the guides listed are pamphlets.
- Acapulco, 1823-1906: Micro- film 472; Guide: GS 4.20:M143
- Aguascalientes, 1901-1906: Micro- film 1292; Guide GS 4.20:M285
- Camargo, 1870-1880: Micro- film 1290; Guide GS 4.20:M288
- Campeche, 1820-1880: Micro- film 1293; Guide GS 4.20:M286
- Chihuahua, 1826-1906: Micro- film 1282; Guide: GS 4.20:M289
- Ciudad del Carmen, 1830-1872: Micro- film 1300; Guide: GS 4.20:M308
- Ciudad Juarez (Paso del Norte), 1850-1906: Micro- film 1003
- Durango, 1886-1906: Micro- film 1298; Guide: GS 4.20:M290
- Ensenada, 1888-1906: Micro- film 1297; Guide: GS 4.20:M291
- Guaymas, 1832-1896: Micro- film 1001; Guide: GS 4.20:M284
- Guerrero, 1871-1888: Micro- film 1296; Guide: GS 4.20:M292
- Hermosillo, 1905-1906: Micro- film 1295; Guide: GS 4.20:M293
- Jalapa Enriquez, 1905-1906: Micro- film 1299; Guide: GS 4.20:M294
- La Paz, 1855-1906: Micro- film 1237; Guide: GS 4.20:M282
- Matamoros, 1826-1906: Micro- film 1002; Guide: 4.20:M281
- Mazatlan, 1826-1906: Micro- film 469; Guide: GS 4.20:M159
- Merida, 1843-1897: Micro- film 1281; Guide: GS 4.20:M287
- Mexico City, 1822-1906: Micro- film 1287; Guide: GS 4.20:M296
- Mier, 1870-1878: Micro- film 1276; Guide: GS 4.20:M297
- Minatitlan, 1853-1881: Micro- film 1277; Guide: GS 4.20:M298
- Monterey, 1834-1848: Micro- film 471
- Monterey, 1849-1906: Micro- film 468; Guide: GS 4.20:M165
- Nogales, 1889-1906: Micro- film 1236; Guide: GS 4.20:M283
- Nuevo Laredo, 1871-1906: Micro- film 470 Guide: GS 4.20:M 280
- Oaxaca, 1869-1878: Micro- film 1289; Guide: GS 4.20:M328
- Piedras Negras, 1868-1881: Micro- film 1278
- Saltillo, 1876-1906: Micro- film 1305; GS 4.20:M300
- San Blas, 1837-1892: Micro- film 1304; GS 4.20:M301
- San Dimas, 1871-1973: Micro- film 1288: Guide: GS 4.20:M442
- San Luis Potosi, 1869-1886: Micro- film 1303; Guide: GS 4.20:M302
- Santa Fe, 1830-1846: Micro- film 1291
- Tabasco, 1830-1874: Micro- film 1280; Guide: GS 4.20:M303
- Tampico, 1824-1906: Micro- film 1235; Guide: GS 4.20:M328 p
- Tehuantepec, 1850-1867: Micro- film 1302; Guide: GS 4.20:M305
- Tuxpan, 1879-1906: Micro- film 1294; Guide: GS 4.20:M306
- Veracruz, 1822-1906: Micro- film 467; Guide: GS 4.20:M183
- Zacatecas, 1860-1884: Micro- film 1301
Despatches from United States Ministers to Mexico, 1823-1906.
Micro- film 466; Guide: GS 4.20:M97
Dilworth, W.H. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Celebrated Hernan Cortes. Philadelphia, PA: H. Sweitzer, 1801.
Micro- fiche 1819 no. 417
Francisco, "Pancho," Villa, Peon Chief, Terror of Mexico: an unbiased, complete, illustrated history and description of the Mexican situation (1916)
Micro- film 456
International population census publications. Region Latin America and the Caribbean, country Mexico; 1945-1967
Micro- film 4431
Janos Archives (Presidio records of Janos, Chihuahua, Mexico, dating from 1810-1858, and containing correspondence, payrolls, receipts, and other documents relating primarily to military affairs)
Micro- film 6745
Mexican Culture Series (Collection of published and unpublished works relating to native cultures and languages of Mexico and Central America with emphasis on the Yucatan. Set includes codices, early Hispanic accounts, early linguistic works, and secondary sources dating to 1974)
Micro- film 7014
Mexican Immigration, 1906-1930 (part of Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Series A, Subject correspondence files)
Micro- film 7658
Mexican Mission Papers of John Lind. 1913-1931
Micro- film 4270
Mexican Pamphlet Collection
Micro- film 7102
Mexico. Dirección General de Estadística.
- Censo General Censo general de la República Mexicana verificado el 20 de octubre de 1895: Micro- film 1238
- Censo general de la República Mexicana verificado el 28 de octubre de 1900: Micro- film 1239
- Tercer censo de población de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos verificado et 27 de octubre de 1910: Micro- film 1240
- Censo general de habitantes, 30 de noviembre de 1921: Micro- film 1241
- Quinto censo de población, 15 de mayo de 1930: Micro- film 1242
Notes from the Mexican Legation the United States to the Department of State. 1821-1906.
Micro- film 475
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Mexico, (Confidential U.S. State Dept. Central Files)
- 1910-1929: Micro- film 334; Guide GS 4.20:M316
- 1930-1939: Micro- film 7578 and guide
- 1940-1944: Micro- film 7690 and guide
- Pt. 1: Political, governmental, and national defense affairs
- Pt. 2: Social, economic, industrial, communications, transportation, and science
- 1945-1949: Micro- film 7693 and guide
- Pt. 1: Political, governmental, and national defense affairs
- Pt. 2: Social, economic, industrial, communications, transportation, and science
- 1950-1954: Micro- film 7687 and guide (from Record group 59); Micro- film 7698 and guide (from record group 59)
- 1955-1959: Micro- film 7688 and guide (Decimal numbers 612 and 611.12); Micro- film 7689 and guide (Decimal numbers 712, 812, 912)
- 1960-1963: Micro- film 7691 and guide (Decimal numbers 621 and 611.12); Micro- film 7692 and guide
Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Part 2: Mexican immigration, 1906-1930
Micro- film 7658
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the United States and Mexico, 1910-1929
Micro- film 333
U.S. Military Intelligence Reports, Mexico. 1919-1941
Micro- film 6679